We've just been notified that USPS will resume shipping to Canada Monday, Jan. 6th, though there may still be some backlogs.
Optional insurance is recommended when shipping via First Class Package International Mail. International orders without insurance will be shipped at the buyer's risk.
Sorry, because of legal requirements, we are no longer shipping to France and Germany.
It is used in very dilute form as a detergent surfactant that provides superior cleaning, with no known damage. Its superior wetting quality goes to work immediately to loosen dust, cigarette smoke residue, molds and waxes typical of records that have not been maintained in clean condition.
Protect your stylus, cartridge, and album collection by only playing them when they are perfectly clean. Dust your records before each play to avoid damage to your record collection. TergiKleen will eliminate dirt but will not repair groove damage. There is no miracle cure for damage. TergiKleen will leave no surface noise in cleaned grooves.
TergiKleen may be used manually or with record cleaning machines. Do not use full strength; add 10-20 drops to a gallon (3.8 litres) of distilled water or 3-5 drops to a quart (.95 litre) of distilled water.
Makes 30 gallons (113.6 litres) of solution, reported by users to have cleaned upwards of 1000-1500 records.
The solution must be rinsed off with distilled water, easily accomplished with a spray bottle or garden pressure spray gallon tank. See the enclosed product instruction sheet for details and how-to videost
Note: The manufacturers of the chemicals contained in TergiKleen specifies a 2-year shelf life. In reality, we have heard from buyers who used it long after the two years were past, with no ill effect.
Instrucciones en Español
Se incluyen instrucciones en inglés con todas las compras; Las instrucciones opcionales en francés y español se pueden descargar después de realizar el pedido.
Solution concentrée de nettoyage pour disques vinyles TergiKleen
Donne une solution de 30 gallons. Utilisez 10 à 20 gouttes/1 gal US/3,8 L d'eau distillée. Nettoie 750 à 1000 disques ou plus.
N'ajoutez rien à la solution, surtout pas d'alcool nocif. Ne se fait pas en une seule étape. Nécessite un rinçage à l'eau distillée.
Des instructions et des liens vers des vidéos sont inclus. Ne contient pas d'alcool nocif. Le fabricant de Tergitol recommande une durée de conservation de 2 ans.
Non recommandé pour le nettoyage des disques en gomme laque ou en vinyle.
Pour un nettoyage manuel ou une utilisation dans des machines de nettoyage de disques.
Instructions: Des instructions en anglais sont incluses avec tous les achats; des instructions facultatives en français et en espagnol peuvent être téléchargées après votre commande.